Week 4:
Advanced Javascript
Starting this week, you should use git daily, to commit the practical tasks (eg: Javascript 30 projects)
Advanced Javascript: Objects, Iterators, Document Object Model (DOM), Event Listeners, AJAX, Recursion, Exception handling
https://roadmap.sh/javascript - Complete all beginner topics listed in this (green checkmark)
Complete the javascript 30 projects (started in the previous week, skip the projects if the project topics are not yet covered in our syllabus)
APIs - Watch the following videos:
What is an API ? Simply Explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGa4onZP66Q
APIs for Beginners 2023 - How to use an API Watch upto 1:34:00 (1 hour and 34 minutes)
Install postman and try making requests to any public apis using postman.
Use tailwind css in your weekly practical tasks - https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-tailwind-css-a-beginners-guide/
Add it using https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation/play-cdn
Week 4, Task 1:
Once you complete all the above tasks, drop a message on the batch group to reveal the task and start working on it.
Students need not refer to every resource given. Select any 1/2 resources for a single topic.
- Refer to resources from week 3. Most of them are useful for this week too.
- JavaScript | The Odin Project - Advanced Javascript
Youtube Videos:
- Videos from 100Devs bootcamp: Free Software Engineering Bootcamp - #100Devs - YouTube
- Learn Tailwind CSS – Course for Beginners : Start from 17:01 minutes
Weekly Practical Tasks:
Use tailwind css for the projects:
Create a calculator app as described here: https://www.theodinproject.com/lessons/foundations-calculator
Create a weather app to display the current weather at users location:
Use openweathermap api.
https://home.openweathermap.org/users/sign_up Signup for an api key here
https://openweathermap.org/api/one-call-3#how Refer to the api doc to get the current weather at a location.
The website should provide two ways to get current location:
- Take latitude and longitude as input or
- Get location from the browser (https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_geolocation.asp )
Have sharable links to all the 30days projects (Using odepen / replit link / github pages)